Student Projects
The BIMAQ offers the following student projects:
In addition, many topics offered as
bachelor or master thesis
can also be carried out as project work. If you are interested, please contact us.
Wintersemester 2023 / 2024
Comparison of methods for residual load forecasting with the aim of analyzing hydrogen as a balancing energy carrier.
Course: BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik
The research program "hyBit" aims to investigate the benefits of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the Bremen area. An important factor here is the analysis of available and required energy. » more
Simulation of laser speckle patterns, evaluation with cross-correlation and simulative investigation of 3D deformation gradients’ influence on the evaluation
Course: BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik
Speckle photography is an optical measurement method for the high-resolution determination of deformation fields. In this process, the characteristic speckle pattern of a surface is captured with a camera during deformation. Evaluating the images using... » more
In-situ calibration of shadow-imaging sensors
Course: BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik
For the production of large sheet metal components in small quantities, incremental sheet metal forming by robots represents an economical and flexible forming process. However, the process is associated with geometric deviations of the formed sheets » more
Scattered light simulation of periodic Nano-structures: verification and comparative analysis
Course: BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik
Periodic nano-structures find application in optics, material science and engineering. These periodic structures are often in the sub-100 nm range, i.e., below the optical resolution limit. Scattered light measurements that are sufficiently fast are suitable for... » more
Measurement-based load flexibility in the brewing sector - data collection, plausibility analysis, modelling of flexibility options, evaluation of results.
Course: BSc Produktionstechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik
A promising approach to saving costs and CO2 is to adapt the load curves of certain industrial sectors to the feed-in curves of regenerative feeders. In particular, this will be investigated in the energy-intensive brewing industry in the "BrewFlex"... » more
Modelling and simulation of optical phenomena in indirect geometry measurement
Course: MSc Systems Engineering
Die Grundidee bei der indirekten optischen Geometriemessung ist, die Oberfläche des Messobjekts nicht mehr direkt zu messen, sondern stattdessen – in einem inversen Prozess – die Geometrie des den Körper umgebenden Gases bzw. die den Körper umgebende... » more
Comparison of methods for residual load forecasting with the aim of analyzing hydrogen as a balancing energy carrier.
Course: MSc Systems Engineering
The research program "hyBit" aims to investigate the benefits of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the Bremen area. An important factor here is the analysis of available and required energy. The BIMAQ has a unique data set on load and generation energy in... » more